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With the utmost humbleness and respect, I appreciate your Sheriff’s confidence in allowing me to serve as your 2023-2024 Tennessee Sheriff’s Association President. In 2010, my citizens honored me by electing me as their Sheriff. One of my first steps as Sheriff was to get involved in the TSA and acquire knowledge from other experienced Sheriffs to help advance my department in the right direction effectively. I quickly learned that one of the association’s primary goals was the education of the new Sheriff and his staff.  My friends and mentors at TSA have served my Sheriff’s office well. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve with such a fine group of leaders.


 I started my law enforcement career in 1986 at 18 years old. I have faced many challenges throughout my career, and each of these challenges produced crucial knowledge that helped me achieve my leadership role as Sheriff and President of our Association. I strive to achieve success and only surround myself with the most positive and knowledgeable people who always pursue the goal of effective teamwork.  Sometimes, it takes an army standing together to make things happen in our society, and I commit my best to this group effort. 


 Our association is thriving in our efforts because of the support we receive from our citizens across Tennessee.  Tennessee Sheriff’s Association stands at the forefront nationwide in many areas.  Our partnerships and association members enable us to advocate training, technology, education, and legislative issues and promote community involvement. We are proud of our SAVIN Victim notification program and Vine Court system. We provide lifesaving resources and support law enforcement needs for all 95 sheriff’s offices, their employees, and citizens in a way that is unmatched by any other. Our Legislative team helps support legislation that supports our communities and works hard to protect our citizens from legislation that would cause undue burdens to our communities.


 I will make you proud as I serve as your President. I am committed to seeing that we have a voice and are equally represented. We can achieve our goals and the associations if we continue to work together.  


 As the Tennessee Sheriff Association President, I intend to continue the tradition of uniting our Sheriff’s Offices from the Mississippi River to the Cumberland Gap. We are strong alone, but we are much stronger 95 Strong.


In All Sincerity,

Jeff Box


 Sheriff Jeff Box

TSA President 2023-2024

 Dyer County Sheriff

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