Attention Valued Members and Partners:
The Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association has been notified of a phone scam currently going on in our name. While it is a renewal period for the association and you may have received a mailing, TSA will NEVER call to solicit funds. If you receive a call here are a couple things to do:
While we do not call to solicit, if there was an error with your payment we will call to correct. Check to make sure the number is the TSA main office number 615-547-0277
If you feel that the call may be a scam, hang up and call us “back” at the office line above.
Report it to your local Sheriff’s Office.
Again, the TSA will never call to solicit. We do not like taking payments over the phone! All renewals and donations can be made by going to www.tnsheriffs.com/online-store
Thank you for your attention,
TSA Board and Staff